Tattoo After Care Instructions

Always wash your hands with antibacterial soap before touching or cleaning your tattoo. The Aftercare process takes approximately four weeks.

First 3-5 days:

  • Keep Derm Shield on your tattoo to protect it

  • Use clean clothes and clean sheets as an extra precaution

  • Avoid bumps, scratches, or any touching of your tattoo.

  • If for some reason it comes off or is removed early, begin cleaning process listed in the next steps.

After 3-5 days

  • Remove Derm Shield in shower by gently pulling downward from the bottom of the bandage, rather than peeling it backwards.

Immediately after bandage removal & for the next 4 weeks:

  • Clean the tattoo 2 times a day (once in morning, once at night) with a simple, fragrance-free antibacterial soap.

    • I recommend Dial Clean + Gentle hypoallergenic antibacterial soap

  • Use a clean towel or paper towel to dry your tattoo

  • After cleaning, moisturize with either a tattoo balm or a lotion. Make sure it is fragrance-free!

    • I recommend Badger Tattoo balm and for lotion Dr. Bronner's. 

    • I like using a thin layer of tattoo balm for the first week (and lotion the next 3 weeks) because I find it stays moisturized longer. However, using only lotion is also fine!

  • Keep your tattoo out of direct sunlight, don't scratch it, and don't let it soak in water (bath, hot tubs, or swimming pools).

After 4 weeks

  • I offer free touch ups, feel free to reach out to me!

  • After it is healed, I recommend moisturizing regularly and always covering it or wearing sunscreen on your tattoo when exposed to sunlight.


Before Your Tattoo


Tattoo Flash